Hilary Duff leads an all-star cast in a film that follows Campbell Babbit (Steve Coogan) on assignment to a small New Hampshire town. After Babbit attempts to contact an old friend, he discovers his friend has died and abandoned an eccentric group of teens, including Josh Peck, Olivia Thirlby, and Max Hoffman. Molly Shannon also stars in this unforgettable indy.
What Goes Up has a run time of approximately 115 minutes, which is 11 minutes longer than the version released in theaters on May 28.
Barnes & Noble
“The film provides much to think about in terms of people who come into our lives, especially teachers, and leave such a lasting impact, or those whom we secretly fall in love with from afar. Finding it hard to say goodbye and dealing with raw teenage emotions... Hilary Duff provides a strong and surprising performance as Lucy who seemed to have the closest relationship with the late teacher.” — Scott Birmingham, Reel Fans
source: what goes up blog
*vi faremo sapere se nel dvd sono previste le multi lingue
*we search about the multi lenguages on dvd
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